Written by an insight member.
As the end of my university life is soon approaching, I wanted to share a few things I have learnt throughout my 4 year-long university journey (from my undergraduate years to my master's).
Throughout your university years, you will realize that you will begin to find yourself. Your experiences throughout these years will shape you into who you become. You will learn a great deal about yourself and things that you did not already know! You will see changes within your lifestyle and personality, and you will realize what type of person you are, your hobbies and interests, and so forth. To allow this to happen, you must seize every opportunity that will scare you a little, so push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Embrace all the experiences – the good and the bad, as they will shape you into the person you will become.
The next thing is to build new friendships. Throughout your time at university, you will come across people from all walks of life – some will be incredibly similar to you, and some will be total opposites. It may take a few months into the start of your university life to find your group of friends and people, but when you do, you will realize that they are here to stay for life. You spend three years with them and share such life experiences that it becomes hard for the bond to weaken even after finishing university.
Having a good balance between studying and maintaining a social life is also essential. Ensure that you keep up to date with your lectures and seminars, as this will ensure that you will not be stressed and worried and allow you to enjoy social activities to the fullest. Use the university library, sit with your friends, and get your assignments done. Often studying together can make learning a whole lot easier and fun! With this, I would say join societies – educational ones, fun ones, and ones that you will enjoy being a part of. You will not only enjoy events and meet new people, but it will be an excellent skill to add to your CV and benefit you when you are job seeking.
This is the advice I would give you all as a student soon approaching the end of my university life! Everyone always told me that my university years were the best years of my life, and while I somewhat believed them, I didn't realize the extent of the truth of this. There is something about seeing your friends daily and not knowing where each day will take you. Being a student is an unbeatable feeling! Part of this comes from the fact that we do not have many responsibilities during our university years, and although we may think that we do, they get a whole deal greater when you start your life after university. So, make the most of your time at university and live your best life every day because, genuinely, I would do anything to relive sitting in an undergraduate law lecture with my best friends! I hope you all have fantastic university years creating memories that will last a lifetime, and just as the famous saying goes, make sure to live every moment, laugh every day and love beyond words!