We have many Canadian Students studying Law at our University. Gain an Insight into what it is like to be studying Law at the University of Leicester, as a Canadian.
Stalin, Team Member
Law school has been fantastic, and better than I expected. I expected my program to be rigorous with little time for socialization or fun. I expected law school to be boring with long hours of studying, with little time for socialization. However, I realized I was wrong as the student union, and law school societies have done a great job at getting my peers and I together for social events. We have had several gatherings up till now, including a Halloween costume party hosted by the Canadian Law Society, and the fresher’s week pub crawl hosted by the Student Union. I was skeptical about being all alone in a new country, but it was easy making new friends from all over Canada. My fellow Canadian peers at law school come from all types of backgrounds and from all over Canada. Although you must study and keep up with your lectures and tutorials, there is plenty of time for fun with your fellow peers. Everyone is friendly, and it is easy to meet new people. The weather here is also much milder than in Canada as it doesn’t get too cold during the winter months. Overall, I am very satisfied with my experience as a Canadian student studying Law at Leicester Law School.
Bassem, Team Member
As a Canadian student studying at the University of Leicester, it has been quite different than what I expected. Initially, when I applied to Leicester I had intended to travel and live there for the duration of my studies, but COVID certainly put an end to that. However, the university was able to transition quickly to an asynchronous learning method that took some time to get used to but eventually was very helpful and engaging. I am currently a final year Law JD Pathway student who has studied remotely for the duration of my program. This did come with some struggles early on but the resources and staff at Leicester quickly eased my concerns and I can confidently say that my learning has taken a step in the right direction. I would have loved to be in person and explore the cities and surroundings, but the academic community online has helped me feel included in most aspects of university life. Overall, my experience at the University of Leicester has been one that I will never forget.
Sharan, Publicity Officer
The experience of moving to a new country has been quite an adjustment, but an exciting one. Through the University of Leicester welcome Facebook groups, I met 3 other students who were moving to England with me for the same program and school. From the three, I decided to take a leap of faith and move in with my now roommate whom I had never met before. And I can say it was one of the best decisions I made for myself. The first semester was a tough challenge, and I do not mean that just academically but also personally. Leaving behind my family, friends, and my dog was the hardest for me as they were my comfort zone. I was at home and had an amazing job that I loved so much. What I realized shortly after moving here was that I loved what I was learning more. The program is very well organized, and I still felt safe with COVID numbers being extremely high.
Shbina, Team Member
My experience at law school can be divided into two parts, the first year I spent as an online student and the second year on campus in person. Online teaching was new for me as I had never taken classes while sitting at home and it was comfortable as I was able to have flexibility over my schedule. As I made the move to Leicester, UK to attend classes in person, I had many reservations about leaving that comfort zone from online classes and coming to school in a different country. However, my experience on campus has been a refreshingly pleasant change as the classes have offered me structure and organization of my course work. I have been able to focus more on my studies and find it easier to get into the life of a student rather than juggling schoolwork with other commitments at home. I have also enjoyed the socializing aspect at the university during lectures and tutorials, as well as group work. Overall, my experience at Leicester Law School has been amazing as it has taught me to be out of my comfort zone and receive an excellent education.
Tejveer, Team Member
Being an international student, I chose to attend the University of Leicester specifically because of all the positive experiences that I heard from my peers who had also attended. I was further reassured when I was able to talk with the Faculty of Law staff in my program who were extremely welcoming and explained to me how the JD Pathway program catered to my needs. Doing the first semester online I never felt that I was missing out because of how helpful my professors and teaching assistants were. I quickly realized these were individuals who cared on a personal level for their students and their success. This makes the difference between a good and great university experience. Having just moved here my encounters with campus staff have also been welcoming. Another aspect I loved about the campus was the level of diversity and multiculturalism which made it feel more like back home. I never once felt that I was abroad in a foreign country because of the kindness and gratitude. Overall, my transition into Leicester Law School was a lot smoother than expected and I am looking forward to the upcoming school year. Hopefully, my experience is something I can share with incoming students as a way of showing why the University of Leicester should be an option for them.
Parneet, Project Consultant
As a project consultant for the Insight Project, while being in Canada, has been interesting and an amazing experience so far. The Insight Project has allowed me to connect with people I had lost touch with, for presentations at Canadian schools, and has allowed me to connect with people from school; something I had thought would have been difficult as I am online this year. When I applied to schools in the UK, I was unsure as to how I would make friends or how it would be, but it has been easier than I thought. Transitioning from a Canadian learning style and system to the one at Leicester law school has been somewhat difficult; for example, the grading system is far different from the one in Canada. Which has taken me some time to accept and get used to. Otherwise, the people I have encountered and befriended have been some of the nicest people I have met thus far. I am a JD-Pathway student and have been online for my first year and have been studying from Canada, which I have found convenient because I have been able to live my life as I was before and without any drastic change. But I do find that it is difficult to balance a social life, family life, work-life and school life as that is what is expected of me. I found myself two weeks behind because of the aforementioned, which was stressful; so, I had to take measures and focus on school for a while to catch up. Overall, I have enjoyed my experience at Leicester and with the Insight Project!