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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the Pro Bono Society? 

Our annual membership is £10 and can be purchased on the su website -

You can also sign up to be a part of our mailing list there by clicking the 'I'm interested in Pro Bono option' 


​How do I join a particular Pro Bono Project? 

Project recruitment opens around the start of each new term and application forms will be available on the website.


How many Projects can I apply to work for? 

You can apply to three different Projects within the Society, but after your application interview(s) you can only work on one Project.


How many projects can I be a part of? 

You can only work for one Project, but all Projects host a variety of events throughout the year and you can still be involved in any of those as a general Pro Bono Society Member. 



Can first year students apply? 

First years are welcome to apply to all Projects unless stated otherwise on the application page.


Can non-law students apply? 

Due to the nature of work Legal Advice Clinic and Litigants in Person conduct, they can only accept law students. All other Projects accept non-law students too!


What do we look for when recruiting members for our Projects? 

There is no specific answer to this question. Everyone is different and has their own special qualities. We like people who are upstanders, people who are committed and ambitious, collaborative and organized, people who are trusted and authentic. That said, be you because you’re the best when you be yourself!


If I'm unsuccessful applying, are other Pro Bono opportunities available to me? 

Yes, as well as September/October recruitment, we recruit again in January and there may be other times of the year when we need someone, so watch out on our socials for updates.


Will I receive interview feedback? 

As per our constitution and SU regulations, we are not permitted to provide interview feedback.


What are the deadlines for applications?

All of the information for each deadline is stated on the relevant project application form. Deadlines are 11:59pm on the date unless otherwise stated and completed application forms must be emailed to the email shown on the form. 


Will I need professional clothes?

Some of the projects may require you to wear smart attire. If you are facing barriers to Pro Bono because of needing to buy professional clothes, the society can help with costs. 


How do I stay updated? 

We keep our social media accounts regularly updated: 

Instagram - @uol_probono

Twitter - @UoLProBono

Facebook group (for student members)​



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©2024 by The University of Leicester Pro Bono Society.

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