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Voices for Indigenous Equity in Law

Jagreet and Kesha founded this project as a response to the gap in the legal discourse regarding Indigenous Voices and the effects of colonial practices in the commonwealth in their own legal studies. As Canadian students studying law abroad, they recognized a significant gap in opportunities for law students to engage with Indigenous legal sensitivity and reconciliation—a crucial aspect of Canadian legal practice across all intersections of the law. Understanding Indigenous legal principles is not only fundamental to practicing law in Canada, but also essential for NCA (National Committee on Accreditation) assessments, the Practice Legal Training Course (PLTC), and bar preparation. By addressing this legal gap, Jagreet and Kesha aim to equip future legal professionals with the knowledge, cultural competency, and critical awareness needed to navigate the intersection of Indigenous sovereignty and Commonwealth legal systems, fostering a legal community that is more informed, inclusive, and committed to justice and reconciliation, while also bridging the gap between British audiences and decolonised perspectives.

Full Logo – Voices – PNG.png

 Project Director:
Jagreet Dhadli


 Project Director:
Kesha Rana

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©2024 by The University of Leicester Pro Bono Society.

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